Get To Know Our District Governor

District Governor Lonna Bentley is a member in good standing of the Belvidere Lions Club since 2015. She has held the offices of President and Vice President and is currently the Club Secretary, a position she has held for six years. Lion Lonna has served as the Newsletter/Editor, Web Designer, Peace Poster Chairperson, Publicity/Social Media Chairperson, Gingerbread House Contest Chairperson, Marketing Chairperson, Craig Woosley Memorial Playground Chairperson and LCIF Coordinator. She has served on several committees and has started new fundraisers and service projects for her club.

District Governor Lonna has served the District as the Peace Poster Chairperson, the Information and Technology Chairperson for three years, Zone Chairperson for three years, SVDG, & FVDG. Lion Lonna is a Melvin Jones Fellow, an LIF Fellow and has received an International President’s Medal as well as a Governor’s Appreciation Award. She has completed RLLI, ALLI, and has attended numerous District and State Conventions, International Convention in Boston, and the Lions Day at the United Nations twice.

Lonna's District Governor Project

Lonna’s District Governor Project this year is Childhood Cancer.  She will be looking to add our support to three great organizations: Cal’s Angles, Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago and Braveheart for Kids. As there are no pediatric cancer treatment centers in our district, most patients go to Peoria, Madison or Chicago. The organizations all have a different focus. Braveheart for Kids focuses on getting patients and their family’s resources to help. Cal’s Angles also focuses on the patient and their family, they do parties at Lurie’s Children’s Hospital Oncology unit providing gifts for patients, things to keep them busy, provide comfort bags, as well as granting wishes. They also support the families as the whole family is affected by childhood cancer. Lastly, Lurie Children’s Hospital provides treatment and research.

Please send all donations to:

CT Edy Pfeiffer and make checks payable to District 1-D Lions & put “childhood cancer” in memo.

2024 - 2025 District 1-D Officers

Marcia Meyers

1st Vice District Governor

Lena Lions


Barb Sager

2nd Vice District Governor

Capron Lions Club


Jody Grantinetti-Svihlik

Cabinet Secretary

Cedarville Lions


Edy Pfeiffer


Cabinet Treasurer

Amboy Lions
